Datum objave: 10.03.2022.

Kako učenici OŠ “Petar Zrinski” Čabar provode svoje vrijeme vikendom?

Učenici 6. razreda Osnovne škole “Petar Zrinski” Čabar (Lucija Križ, Mihael Ramljak i Emili Vrtar) proveli su istraživanje među učenicima matične škole o tome kako provode svoje vrijeme vikendom u sklopu nastave Engleskog jezika pod mentorstvom učiteljice Ive Cvijetić Kovačević. 

Učenici su se angažirali te su izdvojili šest aktivnosti – surfanje Internetom, bavljenje sportom, provođenje vremena s obitelji i prijateljima, odlazak u kupovinu, igranje video igrica, čitanje knjiga. Kratki upitnik su podijelili svojim kolegama te su analizirali dobivene rezultate i napisali kratko izvješće i izradili grafikon koji se nalaze u nastavku.

Ova je aktivnost jedna od mnogih koje će biti provedene u sklopu izvannastavne aktivnosti na engleskom jeziku Creative and fun in English, a koje će rezultirati e-novinama koje će objediniti aktivnosti učenika i učitelja naše Škole.

We, the students of 6th grade of Elementary school „Petar Zrinski“ Čabar – Lucija Križ, Mihael Ramljak and Emili Vrtar under the mentorship of our teacher Iva Cvijetić Kovačević have conducted a survey on how their fellow students spend their weekends. The survey involved 32 students and here are the results.

In our school, 81% of students surf the Net during the weekend, while 72% of them play sports.

Almost all students (97%) spend time with family and friends and more than a half (56%) go shopping during the weekend.

In our school almost all students (94%) play video games during the weekend and only 37% of students read books.

We are surprised to find that only 37% of our fellow students read books. We think that children and young people should spend less time playing video games and surfing the Net and more time reading books and playing sports.

We hope that this will change because reading enriches our vocabulary and we can find some new information, while playing sports help us think, learn and look better.

The chart shows detailed percentages of how the students of our school (both younger and older) spend their weekends.


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